External Notification Integration App

External Notification Integration App

External Notification Integration App

It is an app that sends notifications when users connect to or disconnect from the Space via Slack, Teams, or a custom-built server, among other events.

[Sidebar] > [App] > [Add App] > [App Management] External Notification Connection App

Please refer to the link below for a detailed guide on connecting external notifications.

Webhook (Messenger Notifications)

The messenger notification feature sends messages to a channel through Incoming Webhooks that can be installed in messengers like Slack, Teams, etc. Please proceed with the setup by referring to the guide below.

How to Set Up Slack

  1. Go to the settings of the chat room where you want to send a message, run [Add App], search for Incoming Webhook, and execute the installation.
  2. Click [Add to Slack] on the settings page, enter the chat room to send messages to, and then proceed to the next step.
  3. Add the message settings you will use in the [Integrated App Settings] section on the detailed settings page. (bot name, image) Please copy the URL displayed in [Webhook URL]
  4. Enter the url in the connection settings to complete the setup. (Once set up correctly, a test message will be sent via messenger and the settings will be saved.)

How to Set Up Teams

  1. After selecting the app in the messenger, search for the incoming Webhook and execute it.
  2. After clicking to add an app, select the team or channel to send the message to.
  3. After clicking on Configure Incoming Webhook, add message settings (bot name, image).
  4. When you press create, a URL will be issued.
  5. Enter the URL in the connection settings to complete the setup. (A test message will be sent via messenger if the setup is done correctly, and the settings will be saved.)

API Connection (httpPost)

Set up notifications to an external server

If you wish to receive notifications that can be sent from ZEP by building your own server, please refer to the guide below.

  • How to Configure Environment
    • POST method is used and the message sent is in JSONForm
    • The protocol(port) is HTTPS(443).
    • The Content-Type of the request header isContent-type: application/json.
    • Response for successful linkage must be set as success to be integrated properly.
  • Transmission Data Type
{"body" : 

	"map_hashID" : “맵HashID”
	, ”userKey” : ”테스트유저키"
	, "nickname" : "닉네임"
	, "type" : "enter/exit"
	, "date" : "2024-01-25 12:33:22"

  • Data description
Event Occurrence Time
Event Types - enter: Connect (including movement between maps) - exit: Disconnect (including movement between maps)
Name entered in customUrl upon access or user's nickname
UserKey entered in customUrl upon access
Connected Map ID
ID of connected user

App setup method

Please activate the [external notification app], select Connect API and include the URL address to send POST request. After that, activate notifications.

CustomData usage

  • When including customData(name, userKey, etc.) in the map address (url), they will be replaced/added with the specified values when making a POST request, and the data will be transmitted.
  • e.g.)https://zep.us/play/{mapHashId}?customData={"name":"ZEP", "userKey":"r1gJMA"}